DRD Training Programs

DRD’s primary objective for aquatic safety is to produce the best-trained lifeguards and pool operators in the industry. DRD’s training approach involves the utilization of professional educators who are highly-skilled instructors.

In the lifeguard certification program, DRD has partnered with Starfish Aquatics Institute to provide a highly-progressive approach to aquatic safety. The teaching methodology emphasizes hands-on practice to integrate lifeguard, CPR and first aid training.

In the pool operators certification program, DRD has partnered with Chesapeake Aquatic Consultants to provide a comprehensive pool operators training program. DRD is sanctioned by the State of Maryland as a pool operator instructional site.

What training do I need?

Basic Lifeguard Training Certification: This training program is for first year lifeguards or individuals who hold an expired lifeguard training certification.

Lifeguard Skills Review and CPR Recertifcation: This training program is for individuals who hold a current lifeguard training certification, but need to be recertified.

Pool Operators Certification: This training program is for individuals who will hold a position of pool manager, assistant pool manager or head lifeguard.

Who qualifies for training discounts?

Employees who are currently working.
Employees who will work in the upcoming season.

Who qualifies for lifeguard training reimbursement?

DRD employees with cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater at time of training.
DRD employees who are 4+ year DRD veterans.

Terms and Conditions for training discounts:

1. The participant must be a current DRD employee or DRD employee in the upcoming season.
2. The participant and parent (if applicable) must sign the Employee Lifeguard Training Agreement.
3. The participant agrees to work at least 250 hours during the course of the upcoming summer.
NOTE: 250 hours represents an average of 18 hours a week during the summer pool season.
4. The participant agrees to work through Labor Day weekend or provide DRD Pools with two weeks written notice prior to his/her termination of employment with DRD Pools.

Terms and Conditions for lifeguard training reimbursement:

1. Fulfill all terms and conditions outlined for Training Discount.
2. A) The participant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater.
Verification of GPA must be delivered to the DRD office or to the training class by the first day of training.
B) The participant must be a 4+ year DRD veteran.
3. The participant will be issued the training reimbursement the first pay date in October.