Frequently Asked Questions

Q - How old do I have to be to lifeguard for DRD?
A - You must be 15 years old.

Q - Will DRD train me?
A - Yes, DRD conducts lifeguard training classes and pool operators classes from December thru June.

Q - What are the lifeguard training program prerequisites?
A – You must be able to swim 200 yards continuously: 50 yards of breaststroke with a rescue tube, 50 yards of front crawl and 100 yards of your choice. You must be able to retrieve a submerged object that weighs a minimum of 10 pounds and tread water for one minute without using the hands.

Q – Does DRD offer training reimbursement?
A – A DRD employee whose current cumulative GPA is 3.5 or greater or employees who are 4+ year veterans will receive training reimbursement.

Q - What type of pool can I work at if I work for DRD?
A – DRD manages many different types of pools: swim clubs, community pools, apartment pools, hotel pools and marina pools. Some pools are multi-lifeguard facilities and some are single-lifeguard facilities.

Q - What will my hourly rate be?
A - Hourly compensation is based on an individuals level of experience and the level of responsibility you accept in your pool assignment.

Q - How many hours can I work per week?
A - You can work as many hours or as few hours as you would like. DRD hires three types of lifeguards: full-time, part-time and floaters. Based on an individuals availability and expectations, DRD lifeguards fall into one of the three categories.

Q - Can I take time off?
A – Yes. A request for one day off must be made at least seven days in advance. A request for an extended period of time must be made at least fourteen days in advance.  Requests will be granted based on the availability of substitutes. The earlier you make your request, the better the chance of being granted your request for time off.

Q – What do I do if I am sick on a scheduled work day?
A – You must contact the DRD office by 8:00am. Do not leave a voice mail. Your staffing coordinator will work very hard to get you off for the day, but there is the possibility that you may be needed to work a partial day until a substitute can be assigned.

Q - What is the DRD uniform policy?
A - All DRD lifeguards must be in uniform while on duty. Female lifeguards have the choice of a one-piece or a two-piece DRD issued bathing suit and the male lifeguards wear DRD issued trunks. In addition, DRD lifeguards must wear a DRD tank top, DRD short sleeve shirt or DRD long sleeve shirt. The uniform colors are black and blue.

Q - How can I keep in touch with my summer friends and DRD?
A – Join us on Facebook. We have a DRD Pools group.